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Select a free instructional design course to begin your upskilling journey.

Illustration with multiple hands raised

Get started

Discover what learning design is and if its a good career fit for you.

Illustration with two people building puzzle pieces into a light bulb

Learn the basics

Discover learning design fundamentals.

Illustration of a man working at his computer


Explore a variety of analysis methods for learning projects.

Illustration of colleagues collaborating at a table


Design learning solutions that boost learner performance.

Illustration of multiple computing devices


Create instructional materials for multiple delivery methods.

Illustration of an instructor on a computer screen


Support the implementation of learning courses and programs.

Illustration of two colleagues talking


Measure the success of learning programs at multiple levels.

Illustration of multiple colleagues collaborating together

Manage projects

Manage projects to achieve successful outcomes.

Illustration of a resume being pulled out of an envelope

Prep for job hunts

Prepare job-seeking materials and prepare for interviews.

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